Reactive Group Datasheet

Oxidizing Agents, Weak

Materials in this group technically do not burn, but some form of oxidizer is necessary for a combustion reaction to occur, and weak oxidizing agents can initiate or accelerate the combustion of other materials. This reactivity makes fires more dangerous and could lead to explosions.
Weak oxidizing agents will react less vigorously than a strong oxidizing agent, but can still participate in reactions that generate heat and possibly gaseous products which can pressurize a closed container, and which may go on to participate in further reactions. Organic compounds in general have some reducing power and can in principle react with compounds in this class. Actual reactivity varies greatly with the identity of the organic compound.

Reactions of weak oxidizing agents with compounds that are known reducing agents may result in combustion and can potentially be explosive if the mixture is heated or under pressure. Additionally, potentially explosive mixtures of oxidizing agents and reducing agents can persist unchanged for long periods if disturbances (heat, spark, catalyst, mechanical shock) are prevented.
Most are toxic by ingestion; degree varies widely. Additionally, gaseous or liquid oxidizers can cause chemical burns if inhaled or if they come into contact with skin.
Other Characteristics
An oxidizing agent is a substance that usually reacts by removing electrons from other substances, a process known as oxidation. The opposite process (addition of electrons to a compound) is known as reduction and always occurs simultaneously with oxidation. The overall reaction is termed an oxidation-reduction, or "redox", reaction. There is a wide range of possible oxidizing strengths, and this reactivity group is intended to cover those oxidizers that are weaker than oxygen under ambient conditions.
4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide, 4-quinolinamine-n-hydroxy-1-oxide, compressed air, ammonium metavanadate, azoxybenzene, azoxymethane, barium selenate, calcium arsenate, nitrous oxide, dimethyldodecylamine-n-oxide, nickel ammonium sulfate, zinc selenate.