Chemical Datasheet
Chemical Identifiers
CAS Number |
UN/NA Number |
DOT Hazard Label |
NIOSH Pocket Guide |
International Chem Safety Card |
NFPA 704
data unavailable
General Description
Dark brown to black odorless solid. Used as a fungicide. (NIOSH, 2024)
Reactivity Alerts
Air & Water Reactions
Thio and dithiocarbamates slowly decompose in aqueous solution to form carbon disulfide and methylamine or other amines. Such decompositions are accelerated by acids.
Fire Hazard
Excerpt from ERG Guide 171 [Substances (Low to Moderate Hazard)]:
Some may burn but none ignite readily. Containers may explode when heated. Some may be transported hot. For UN3508, Capacitor, asymmetric, be aware of possible short circuiting as this product is transported in a charged state. Polymeric beads, expandable (UN2211) may evolve flammable vapours. (ERG, 2024)
Health Hazard
Excerpt from NIOSH Pocket Guide for Ferbam:
Exposure Routes: Inhalation, ingestion, skin and/or eye contact
Symptoms: Irritation eyes, resp tract; dermatitis; gastrointestinal disturbance
Target Organs: Eyes, skin, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract (NIOSH, 2024)
Reactivity Profile
FERBAM is a dithiocarbamate. Flammable gases are generated by the combination of thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates with aldehydes, nitrides, and hydrides. Thiocarbamates and dithiocarbamates are incompatible with acids, peroxides, and acid halides.
Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s)
- Thiocarbamate Esters and Salts/Dithiocarbamate Esters and Salts
Potentially Incompatible Absorbents
Use caution: Liquids with this reactive group classification have been
known to react with the
listed below.
- Cellulose-Based Absorbents
- Mineral-Based & Clay-Based Absorbents
- Dirt/Earth
Response Recommendations
Isolation and Evacuation
Excerpt from ERG Guide 171 [Substances (Low to Moderate Hazard)]:
IMMEDIATE PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE: Isolate spill or leak area in all directions for at least 50 meters (150 feet) for liquids and at least 25 meters (75 feet) for solids.
SPILL: Increase the immediate precautionary measure distance, in the downwind direction, as necessary.
FIRE: If tank, rail tank car or highway tank is involved in a fire, ISOLATE for 800 meters (1/2 mile) in all directions; also, consider initial evacuation for 800 meters (1/2 mile) in all directions. (ERG, 2024)
Excerpt from ERG Guide 171 [Substances (Low to Moderate Hazard)]:
CAUTION: Fire involving Safety devices (UN3268) and Fire suppressant dispersing devices (UN3559) may have a delayed activation and a risk of hazardous projectiles. Extinguish the fire at a safe distance.
SMALL FIRE: Dry chemical, CO2, water spray or regular foam.
LARGE FIRE: Water spray, fog or regular foam. Do not scatter spilled material with high-pressure water streams. If it can be done safely, move undamaged containers away from the area around the fire. Dike runoff from fire control for later disposal.
FIRE INVOLVING TANKS: Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety devices or discoloration of tank. ALWAYS stay away from tanks in direct contact with flames. (ERG, 2024)
Non-Fire Response
Excerpt from ERG Guide 171 [Substances (Low to Moderate Hazard)]:
Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Stop leak if you can do it without risk. Prevent dust cloud. For Asbestos, avoid inhalation of dust. Cover spill with plastic sheet or tarp to minimize spreading. Do not clean up or dispose of, except under supervision of a specialist.
SMALL DRY SPILL: With clean shovel, place material into clean, dry container and cover loosely; move containers from spill area.
SMALL SPILL: Pick up with sand or other non-combustible absorbent material and place into containers for later disposal.
LARGE SPILL: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Cover powder spill with plastic sheet or tarp to minimize spreading. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. (ERG, 2024)
Protective Clothing
Excerpt from NIOSH Pocket Guide for Ferbam:
Skin: PREVENT SKIN CONTACT - Wear appropriate personal protective clothing to prevent skin contact.
Eyes: PREVENT EYE CONTACT - Wear appropriate eye protection to prevent eye contact.
Wash skin: WHEN CONTAMINATED - The worker should immediately wash the skin when it becomes contaminated.
Remove: WHEN WET OR CONTAMINATED - Work clothing that becomes wet or significantly contaminated should be removed and replaced.
Change: DAILY - Workers whose clothing may have become contaminated should change into uncontaminated clothing before leaving the work premises. (NIOSH, 2024)
DuPont Tychem® Suit Fabrics
No information available.
First Aid
Excerpt from NIOSH Pocket Guide for Ferbam:
Eye: IRRIGATE IMMEDIATELY - If this chemical contacts the eyes, immediately wash (irrigate) the eyes with large amounts of water, occasionally lifting the lower and upper lids. Get medical attention immediately.
Skin: SOAP WASH PROMPTLY - If this chemical contacts the skin, promptly wash the contaminated skin with soap and water. If this chemical penetrates the clothing, promptly remove the clothing and wash the skin with soap and water. Get medical attention promptly.
Breathing: RESPIRATORY SUPPORT - If a person breathes large amounts of this chemical, move the exposed person to fresh air at once. If breathing has stopped, perform artificial respiration. Keep the affected person warm and at rest. Get medical attention as soon as possible.
Swallow: MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY - If this chemical has been swallowed, get medical attention immediately. (NIOSH, 2024)
Physical Properties
Flash Point: data unavailable
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL): data unavailable
Upper Explosive Limit (UEL): data unavailable
Autoignition Temperature: data unavailable
Melting Point:
greater than 356°F
(NIOSH, 2024)
Vapor Pressure:
0 mmHg
(NIOSH, 2024)
Vapor Density (Relative to Air): data unavailable
Specific Gravity: data unavailable
Boiling Point:
(NIOSH, 2024)
Molecular Weight:
(NIOSH, 2024)
Water Solubility:
0.01 %
(NIOSH, 2024)
Ionization Energy/Potential:
7.72 eV
(NIOSH, 2024)
800 mg/m3
(NIOSH, 2024)
AEGLs (Acute Exposure Guideline Levels)
No AEGL information available.
ERPGs (Emergency Response Planning Guidelines)
No ERPG information available.
PACs (Protective Action Criteria)
No PAC information available.
Regulatory Information
EPA Consolidated List of Lists
Regulatory Name |
CAS Number/ 313 Category Code |
RCRA Code |
CAA 112(r) RMP TQ |
Ferbam |
14484-64-1 |
313 |
(EPA List of Lists, 2024)
CISA Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)
No regulatory information available.
OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard List
No regulatory information available.
Alternate Chemical Names